Dearest adoring fan Pam
The music playing on my video is a somewhat remixed song by a band called VAST. The song is called Goodbye. They're a good band, worth looking into. Flattery will get you everywhere with a ferret. Thanks for the compliments.
Pam was my very first comment on my new blog.
I don't have a great deal to talk about today. Larissa worked all day and tortured us with unforgivable cruelty. In other words, she didn't let us run around the house as soon as she got home. Instead she waited till her Man Unit went to have a nap. How terrible rude. Part of our duty is to annoy him the very best we can. Roland is by far a better annoyer than I am. I get bored easy. He's tedious. Sometimes I want to whap him. In my previous post I said I'd make a post about him. Really though I've had to share a hammock with his big head all day. I'm not in the mood to write about him.

To show how sorry she was for keeping us locked in our super huge comfortable roomy cage of UTTER DOOM, Larissa made a new hammock set for myself and Roland (I guess). As you can see she did a pretty decent job. It's a large hammock with quilting batting between the layers. Nice and plush. She also made a blanket and a pillow to match. Her friend Rachael sent her the colorful fabric and she used just about every inch. I tried to help her sew tonight, each time I'd lend a paw she'd pick me up and put me on the couch out of her way. Silly rude human.
I like the set though. It's all hanging nicely in my cage. Of course I had to share with Roland. While I was checking out the oh so destructible fleece Roland came plundering along and climbed in too. SIGH! I guess we can share this hammock for ONE NIGHT.
Have I mentioned I love December? Well I do. It means it's almost my birthday. I'll be five years old. My birthday is December 23rd. The best part about this is I get presents for my birthday and THEN I get more presents for Christmas. Last year a lot of ferrets sent birthday cards and Christmas cards to me though their humans. All of them members of a ferret group Larissa runs on livejournal.
One last photo of the hammock. I was posed oh so nice but Roland ruined it!

You know? I guess I'm going to vent a little about something that's been bugging me. This afternoon Larissa came home on her lunch break and let me run around. Roland got to come out too but he had to stay in the room. She was busy and he's a pain in the neck. I ran around the house and helped her do the dishes. I asked her why she comes home to clean on her lunch break but she didn't answer. Maybe she doesn't understand my accent? Well anyhow after she was done with the cleaning it was time to check computer stuff. Good thing too since there was a new member awaiting approval over at FA. A member of the community posted a photo of someone letting their ferret do something totally unacceptable. This so called human was letting her ferret drink out of her toilet.
Now being a ferret myself I understand the urge to SEE what is going on in there. Alas, I'm a ferret. My brain is tiny and I don't know what the heck that big white thing IS. If I knew it was a human litter box I wouldn't want to sniff around. However ferrets like myself don't KNOW what it is. Well this so called ferret owner took many photos of her ferret standing inside the bowl of her toilet, on the seat of her toilet. It was horrible. There was human waste stains on the seat (you humans are worse than us!) and the bowl itself was just gross! Made my paws itch from gross.

I made the thumbnail very small since it's awfully disgusting. There is half a dozen or more photos. Personally I'd like to see the humans have a big drink out of their litter pans the way they are letting the ferrets drink.
Anyway I wanted to vent about that. It had been bothering me today making it hard to snooze away in my hammock.
Wow it's getting late! Larissa is going to bed. You know what that means? That means it's time to party and tap dance on my textured plastic pans of my cage!