Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Toad gets what Toad wants.

Today I convinced Larissa that I needed a new toy. I needed one! She didn't believe me though. So instead I dug my hammocks till the fleece fuzzed up. This reminded her she wanted to look for curtain hooks to use on new hammocks.

She was pretty happy to find out a pack of twelve was under two dollars. I just sat in my bag looking cute while she felt stupid for paying six dollars for a pack of twelve shower hooks. They are exactly the same too. Silly humans. I can't wait to see what kind of hammocks she'll make next. Personally I'd like a cube, but I don't think she's got the skills. I try to help but she usually fusses at me for being in her threads. Larissa ran into some people she worked with too. They all ohhhed and awwwhed over me. I'm so used to it now, I just cannot help being so cute. I look up and give them a sniff and they melt. Kills them every time.

See that crazy orange toys to the right? That's my newest toy. I've already found a proper place for him. The frog next to him was offered to me just the other day. Larissa is a thoughtful human. It's no wonder she's always broke. I accepted the offering gladly though. I tugged the fuzzy monster around for a while, but like normal I got bored with it pretty easy and put it away.
Larissa also made a video of me and my toys. She thinks it's grand fun to move my things around without asking. Drives me crazy!

Even when I get snatchy with my toys she'll still drag them out for her own amusement.

Yesterday I got some ice cream from Larissa. Don't tell Roland though, he doesn't know about it. Maybe tomorrow I'll make a post about my cage mate Roland. He's a bit on the dumb side but keeps things interesting.

Till then!


1 comment:

Pam Sessoms said...

Mr. Toad, you are the handsomest ferret EVAR. I must ask, what music is playing over your video as you must repeatedly organize your belongings while Larissa selfishly puts them in disarray?